Left or Right ??

One of my best friend lost his bachelor card in Wayanad, Kerala. We people with number of ten decided to set our foot on Wayanad to congratulate him and visit Wayanad. With lots of confusion and last-minute battle we buckled up in two rides. With two license holders in each car we left Chennai. Our ride started from OMR and another one from PARRYS CORNER. There is always someone who puts us delay when we plan to travel together and as expected we are behind schedule.The idea is to reach Wayanad at midnight so that we can have a nap and be there on wedding in good condition. So we decided to meet outside the city and travel together to save time.

I took the job which I had to yell out “TAKE THE LEFT” or “SECOND RIGHT” with Google maps. After meeting the other ride we started traveling together. I got a call from the other ride saying not to take any left or right but to stay on the highway. Within few minutes we got split up in traffic. At a point, Google lady said us to take the left which will take us away from the Highway. I asked them to stop the car and explained the situation. Either the bridge in front of us as instructed by the phone call or the road on the left instructed by Google lady. They left me to decide. Now I had to take a decision. Should I take the bridge or trust Google maps? What if we take Google’s way
1, We are not lost because all way leads to Rome, then why not Wayanad..??
2, Smart phones never lie.

“Take the left”, I said. My friend Guna turned the wheel left. One decision, just one decision took us in a different path, an entire different path.

Within few minutes the four lane turned into two lane, the street light started to fell apart, the straight road became bendy and crooky, level road turned out to be hilly and sloppy.

“Are we on the right path…??” Guna asked me.

“Yes, we are” I replied by looking at the screen.

The street light vanished away. There were no lights. It was pitch dark outside. Tall trees along the side, bright moon took the lead and we are taking orders from a machine. Rushing four wheels turned into sluggy eight wheels. We hardly saw family cars. We were literally lost.
“Are we going through a forest..??”
“Maybe” I replied.
“Are we lost..??” Guna asked.
A silence filled the space.
“Dai, look over there”
I looked up and saw a sign board welcoming us to Andra Pradesh. This is where I realized that we are lost in woods.
“I knew it fool, we are lost now” Guna in angry,
Lorries turned out to huge containers trucks. Guna felt hard to take over the container trucks because it is too lengthy to over take. He over took one and found a dozen infront of us. He felt irritated.
We were stopped and checked at two check-posts in Andra. The road took us to Karnataka. We again stopped at another check-post and they checked for drunk and driving.
After few minutes passing the third check-post Guna said ” I forgot my papers, I think it might be on the table in my home”
“What..??, No papers for the car..??”
” Nope”
Within few hundred meters…
“500 rupees for no proper papers. Either pay the fine or stay here”
“500 is too much sir”
“This is election time fellas, pay the fine or stay !! You got two choices”
“500..?? for just the papers…?? ”
” I can come down till 400, not less than 400 rupees”
Shiet !! No other go we had to pay the road tax to gear back on the road to Bangalore-Mysore-Wayanad.
Meanwhile the other figo took the bridge drove on the highway, on the highway, on the highway and reached Bangalore-Mysore-Wayand.
Before leaving Chennai, two figos traveled on the same way until one decision took naughty figo in an adventurous way with troubles, obstacles, pain and different experience.
In life people always say take this job like others do or take this higher studies like others do, so you will get a safe road in life with lights around,but in the end you don’t have a crazy story to share.

When both the ride met at Mysore, naughty one had a crazy story to share with.
Take risks, Trust your instinct and don’t forget to share the crazy story.

Mission Impossible: Question papers-04

Click here for the previous chapters

Chapter: 04

“Um..What ?” I asked

“That paper you were burning..??” mom asked in anger,

“Ah..yeah..paper…that white paper”

“Gimme that”

“Gimme what..?!”

“The other paper you were suppose to burn.”

“Its just a plain paper, nothing to worry about.”

My face started dripping sweat.

Mom snatched the paper from my hand.

I saw her eyes darting the paper left to right.




“What is this..??” Mom asked.

“I said right its just a paper.”

“If you meant to burn it then definitely its not JUST a  paper.”

“Its…um…the questions of tomorrow’s exam” I replied in low pitch.

“How did you get it..??

“Uh…Um….technically speaking we took that.”


“oh..Did I just say ‘We’..??”

Mom kept staring at me.

“Okay !!  before your B.P cranks up, please gimme a chance to explain.” I tried to explain.

“Yes!! We stole the question paper from the staff’s bag and we are writing the exam but look at the bright side…Have you ever seen ur son studying…??”

Mom didn’t even pat her eyes.

“See, now your son is studying. He will pass in all the subjects. Think about it.”

“When did u start this fraud..??” Mom asked.

“This is the third exam.”

“Are you planned to continue this..??”

“Yeah but I promise I will never cheat in the exam hall with paper bits.

Mom never said another word. She handed me the question paper and left.”

I burnt the paper to ashes.

That silence is not just a silence, even the stormy day has a silence day before.

Oh wait !! Did I ever mention that my mom is a strict high school teacher..??


*Today , sitting on the porch and waiting outside- caught red handed*

” Macha !! your mom is coming..??”

“Enga da..??”

I looked at the entrance gate.

“Gulp” O.o

to be continued…